Monday 7 May 2012

Oil Pump

The oil pump, pumps the oil to all the parts of the engine that need lubrication. eg bearings, cylinder head, cylinder/pistons. The oil pump consists of two gears that create a suction as they turn that sucks up the oil in the sump through the pick up then they push the oil through the filter and oil gallery that supplies all the moving parts that need oil. The oil pump is a vital component in the engine, if the engine has no oil it will seize. The oil in a engine also works as a coolant.


To check the oil pump I first did a visual inspection of it to check that everything looks like it is in good working order. Then I measured the gap between the straight edge and the gears I then checked it with the specifications for the engine. Did the same with the gap between the two rotors and the gap between the outside rotor and the casing of the oil pump.


The gaps measurements were within the specifications which meant that the oil pump does not need to be replaced or repaired. The gaps in the oil pump shows how important oil and oil filter replacements are. If foreign materials like sand or dust get into the oil it could wear down the mechanical moving parts like the oil pump reducing their effectiveness.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Armand
    good post, i like that you included that oil also caries away heat from the moving parts. Hans
